Zeglen’s bulletproof vest


Tailored to the Times: The Story of Casimir Zeglen’s Silk Bullet-Proof Vest, ‘Arms & Armour’, Vol. 11 No. 2 (2014): 164-86 DOI 10.1179/1741612414Z.00000000040.

Polski wynalazek wszechczasów. Spór o autorstwo, ‘Przegląd Historyczny’, Vol. 104, No. 2 (2013): 257-271

Conference papers:

Make peace, not vest: the first silk bulletproof armor and its opponents, a paper at the ICOHTEC Annual Meeting, ‘Reusing the industrial past’ in Tampere, Finland, August 2010

Public appearance:

An interview for the Adam Mickiewicz Institute’s podcast BULLETPROOF (Stories From The Eastern West), 2018

Before Kevlar: The Amazing Transnational Quest for the Bulletproof Vest at the East Central European Center, the Columbia University, New York City, USA, April 2008

Silk Against Bullets: The Birth of Modern Soft Armor at the Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, USA, April 2008

An interview for the Polish TV station in Chicago (available on YouTube), April 2008

Casimir Zeglen: A Pioneer of the Bulletproof Vest, a Brown Bag Lecture at the Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, USA, November 2007